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Proper Recipients Name

When using the recipients first name in the subject line (or anywhere) we should have the ability to make it PROPER as well as have the ability to have a default if the db field is empty. Perhaps something along the lines of "PROPER(%%First_Name%%,"Dear Valued Customer").

  • Guest
  • Apr 23 2020
  • Future consideration
How will this idea be used?

To make email messaging more personalize - it can be used in subject lines, preview texts, and in the body of the email.

What is your industry? Retail
What is the idea priority? High
  • Éber Gustavo Gonçalves da Silva commented
    May 08, 2020 02:07

    This can be solved using Dynamic Content. You can add a generic message at default rule and add the personalization if the field First_Name is not blank. Also, you can add Nickname on you database and use it too for more personalized messages. I do it on my mailings.