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Email Verification Service

I'd love to see an organic email verification service (pings email servers to check for existence of accounts) as an extended service for Campaign. I'd imagine the service work like this:

  1. Verify any new addresses added to a given database (could be all databases, could be a specific database, such as a crm-integrated database)

  2. Update a field in the database for the recipient with a status of the verification (valid, invalid, etc.)

  3. Setup an automated routine to re-verify addresses after a certain amount of time has passed (12 months, 18 months, 24 months, etc.)

This service could be an added service with a set pricing structure that companies could opt in to (like Inbox Monitoring).

  • Michael Hobley
  • Apr 23 2020
  • Future consideration
How will this idea be used?

Would have a direct impact on overall deliverability for clients, by being able to automatically filter out any contacts with an "invalid" status, reducing the number of hard bounces.

Saves time by skipping the 3rd party middle-man who does verification and then requires an import back into Acoustic.

What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? Low
  • Admin
    Sunny Chae commented
    May 11, 2020 21:14

    Thank you for submitting this idea!

    We will keep this under consideration as we improve our deliverability features.