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Generate PURLs Using API Call or Automatically

Right now you need someone to manually go in and hit the 'Generate PURL' button every time new records are added to a database ( This is found under site settings for landing pages, optional site settings, Personalized URLs, Generate PURL. We are requesting there be an API call that allows us to generate them. Other option would be the Acoustic Campaign platform would just automatically generate them when new records are added.

  • Caitlin Levasseur
  • Jan 18 2021
How will this idea be used?

We have a program that requires us to add new data files into a single database once a week. We will be sending out a direct mail piece and 2 emails for each data file. On the direct mail piece we are including a PURL that directs recipients to our landing page. Since this is printed, we need to generate PURLs that appear on the piece. This is currently a manual process that is done within Campaign (under site settings, optional site settings, Personalized URLs, Generate PURL). We would like there to be a way to setup an automation that generates the PURLs as soon as new records are added to the database each week. Right now we will need someone to manually go in and hit that 'Generate PURL' button each week, but if we could do that through an API call or if Acoustic would just automatically generate them, we could avoid this.

What is your industry? Professional Services
What is the idea priority? Medium