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Additional elements for GetMailingTemplates API

It would help to have more elements available for the GetMailingTemplates API call, either on the request or response.

At the moment, it isn't possible to request mailing templates that meet specific criteria, apart from last modified date filters (for example, in a certain folder or using certain tags).

It would be useful for the interface to include more elements to specify what templates to get, or at least provide additional information about each of the templates in the response (such as the folder path or tags assigned), so that they can be categorised for the end user if required.

  • Martin Aso
  • Jan 28 2021
  • Future consideration
How will this idea be used?

Integration interface where the end user is able to get a list of mailing templates that meet certain criteria (for example, stored in a particular folder or assigned with specific tags), as opposed to all of the mailing tempates in their environment.

What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? Medium
  • Vivek Mittal commented
    April 15, 2024 07:21

    Added a vote. We have had use cases where we are trying to find Template information based on a Mailing Name or a Mailing ID. It would be great if we could have more search criteria in the request to allow for better use of this API.

    Currently, we have to retrieve all templates and then programmatically iterate over them to do the search/filter client side. This is inefficient use of network as well as client resources considering the customer is adding 10-20 templates a week. In just a year, the template list would be nearing a 1000 templates. Retrieving all when we only need information about 1 is just not good.