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Give a choice to implement landing page redirects as either temp (302) or perm (301)

When closing an Acoustic Campaign landing page, the "Close page" settings allow entry of a URL that the user should be redirected to if they try to load the closed page in their browser.

On the backend, when a redirect URL is specified, Acoustic unfortunately implements the redirect with a 302 (temporary redirect).

Read any current article on reasons for implementing a redirect as a 301 vs 302 and see that 301 redirects are preferred, given how search engines, esp. Google, process redirects. The new redirect page could be badly ranked, or worse, considered a dup of the original (now closed) page, and removed from search results.

Therefore, please update the Close page settings to allow selection of:
( ) Permanent redirect (301)
( ) Temporary redirect (302)

  • Tom Coppedge
  • Aug 10 2021
How will this idea be used?

Campaign users would be able to clearly indicate whether the redirect should be externally represented (esp. to search engines) as temporary or permanent.

What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High