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Support for reCaptcha v3 for landing pages

We know that reCaptcha v2 is already supported. However, it would be great if v3 is also supported. Documentation on v3 is at

The verification of the token should be done by the backend; so this would require Campaign to receive the token, verify it and if the score is acceptable undertake the form action. It can't be done purely on the front-end as reCaptcha v2.

  • Vivek Mittal
  • Oct 2 2021
How will this idea be used?

We have built some landing pages that are purely for internal use. reCaptcha v3 has been recommended by the security team to better protect the landing pages from spam bots, especially since we cannot implement any sort of IP whitelisting for access to them.

What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Low