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Include mGage into Acoustic status page

Please include Acoustic SMS provider - mGage for any incident, maintenance, downtimes into Acoustoc status page. with this, we can quickly find relevant information and receive real-time status updates on the progress of fix.

Recently there were connection reset failure happened on 8/3 and 10/3 due to instability detected in Communiate Pro services and the services were restarted causing temporary connection reset failure. However, it wasn't reported in Acoustic page. We had spent a few days to reach out support team and provided the cause of the issue. thanks

  • firstName lastName
  • Mar 14 2022
How will this idea be used?

Recently there were connection reset failure happened on 8/3 and 10/3 due to instability detected in Communiate Pro services and the services were restarted causing temporary connection reset failure. However, it wasn't reported in Acoustic page. We had spent a few days to reach out support team and provided the cause of the issue.

What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? High