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New link name behaviour within queries

It would be great if within a query or decision point if you could reference a common link name (or a link name that contains a key phrase).

For example, if I offer three links on all of my daily emails, one for shoes, one for tops, and one for handbags. If I named the link SHOES, TOPS, HANDBAGS in all of my emails and I wanted to target those that have clicked any SHOES link within the last month, this would provide me this ability.

If I were then able to leverage this data within queries, scoring models (i.e. how many time did a user click one of these links in the past X weeks), and programs then it would improve my segmentation and personalisation opportunities greatly.

  • David Fisher
  • Aug 22 2022
How will this idea be used?

The data would be used to enrich scoring models, programs and queries and then allow us to better target audiences that have engaged with a particular category on the emails, without having to select every single email individually and finding the correct link to reference. It's much more scalable.

What is your industry? Retail
What is the idea priority? High