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Enhancement request: Request for implementation of a function to detect and display an error when the character limit is exceeded

In order to prevent system vulnerabilities in Acoustic Campaign, we strongly hope to implement a function that displays errors when using the query function.

â– Background /details
When we, Acoustic Campaign users create a query, we set the conditions from the GUI. Meanwhile, In the system creates an SQL statement and extracts people who meet the conditions.


000_id_Cancel is blank
AND Email Magazine A is equal to Reception OK
AND Membership type is equal to Paid Membership
AND Member ID contains one of the following (21512 | 195615 | 217222 | 237024 | 242382 | 328357 | 347075 | 355271 | 381245 | .......

According to the AC manual below, SQL statements have a hard limit on the number of characters, and up to 32K can be added.
-Acoustic Campaign Help Center manual description:
>However, there is a technical hard limit of 32,000 SQL characters.

If we create a query with an SQL statement that exceeds 32K and use the query, It could become unstable and impact sending.
However, if we create a query that exceeds the character limit, Acoustic No errors are displayed on the Campaign UI, and queries can be created normally.
So, We would like errors to be displayed so that users who are unaware of the restrictions can understand.

Also, if a malicious user uses AC in this state, it may affect the sending of emails.
Therefore, We would like some kind of countermeasure to be taken on the AC GUI to prevent such system vulnerabilities.

The countermeasures we propose are as follows========

1: Display "Note" for precautions, equipped with functions for counting the number of characters entered, and display errors (unable to save)

2: Display "Note" for precautions and display an error (unable to save)

3: Display "Note" for precautions and equipped with functions for count the number of characters entered

4: Display "Note" for precautions


We understand that the difficulty of implementing each function varies, but we strongly hope that the above will be implemented.

However, we understand that it is difficult to implement functions on AC, so we would like at least one of them to be implemented.

I will also share images for your reference.

Kind Regards,
Erii Fukuda

  • Camp team
  • Jun 20 2024
What is your industry? Construction / Architecture / Engineering
What is the idea priority? High