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Make the Recipient Last Modified Date field available to the Silverpop Scribe Online Connector API

When CRM integrations are configured using Scribe Online we can't compare the CRM modifiedon or createdon datetime values, which are available in Scribe Online, with the IBM WCA modified or created datetime values. This would help configure an integration to decide which record has the most recent update between CRM and IBM WCA and decide how to update a record in both databases. Even though CRM is considered to be the database of record, some IBM WCA features and operations may change the matching record, and its value for a specific field needs to be evaluated using a Scribe online formula to compare the record's last modified datetime values as well as the specific field's value. Comparing field values works using custom scribe online formulas but a decision needs to be made based on the last modified date as well.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
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