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Add the ability to score by tags

Provide the ability to score on mailings with particular tags rather than having to add individual emails to scoring, particularly where scoring ongoing communication engagement such as newsletters which are new templates each time.

  • Karen Buxton
  • Feb 26 2020
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High
  • Matt King commented
    May 14, 2020 00:48

    Actually, this should be merged with this one:

  • Matt King commented
    May 14, 2020 00:45

    This would also be useful anywhere we have to select email behavior criteria, such as queries, decision points and dynamic content. As new emails are sent containing the tag, they are automatically are added to the criteria without having to go back and update the query.

    This would be useful in distributed marketing scenarios, where the users are not able to create/update query criteria. The corp team could develop these tag based queries.

  • +3