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Make suppression lists accessible via query from within a WCA program.

I need to control program flow based on the presence/absence of contacts in the suppression list. A database may have multiple programs relying it as their datasource. An XML-API based program may populate a suppression list for a short duration to prevent other programs from sending mail during that duration. Yet other automated programs may still need to send Email to those suppressed contacts after they are removed from the suppression list. There is currently no way, within a program, to place a contact in a wait state that relies on a recurring query to check if the contact is present in / absent from a suppression list.

I am requesting that the datasouce of query be extended to include Suppression Lists (in addtition its other sources such as database, contact list, relational table). The citeria would be: Contact is / is not included in [choose suppression list].

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
What is your industry? Consumer Products
What is the idea priority? High