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Improve the new UI - it is a step backwards in several key ways

1. You removed Search. I used to search for queries, email templates in progress and sent emails to run Single Mailing reports using search. What online presence doesn't allow simple search?

2. Your Click to View in Browser button is now programmed to lead to a broken page. When Click to View is added, the link in the email works but when it pops up the browser view, there is another link that says "still having trouble, click here" and that goes to a broken page. According to Support, that is an unintended consequence of the "upgrade" and they have no fix. I recommended to Support that they might want to disable it or inform customers, but was told my only recourse was to record it here.

3. The left ribbon is so sensitive that it opens if the mouse is anywhere in the vicinity - for instance, when you are trying to type the name of your email template and you can't because the ribbon expands and covers it. Also, when you are in a subsection - such as creating an email template you can't navigate to another subsection of mailing templates. You have to click out of it entirely - such as to data - and then back in again.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Shipped
What is your industry? Financial Markets
What is the idea priority? High