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Query [Open_Date] by Email subscription; not by Contact

I want to know who hasn't opened a type of email subscription i.e. Weekly Newsletter in the last 12/24 months. We have 17 types of email subscriptions and I'd like to identify who is not opening them. As of right now I can query our DB for [open_date] however; that is only telling me if a Contact hasn't opened a email in the last xx months. The snag with this date is that the Contact could have opened an Outlet type email yesterday but hasn't opened a Newsletter email in the last 12 months. Because [Open_Date] is recorded against the Contact not subscription type.

It would be great is I could use the Behavior Query, set my range, etc. and Select a TYPE of Email; not just a single email.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
What is your industry? Retail
What is the idea priority? High