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Add List ID to Additional Details of Queries and other assets

In the Classic UX, the ListID of any asset was refrerenced in the URL string when you opened it eg mailing templates, databases, queries, etc, so if you needed it, you could simply navigate to it and copy the ListID / MailingID out.

For databases and relational tables, these also exist in the Additional Details when you click on them, but this is not the case for Queries.

In the New UX, the List IDs and MailingIDs are not shown in the URL string. They can still be found in the Additional Details for Databases and relational tables, but not for Queries and don't appear for mailings in the Content Editor.

So if you need to check a ListID or MailingID, you need to hover over the query or mailing, then write it down, then type it out to send onwards, which is slow and introduces the possibility of human error.

Not only this, but if you are given a ListID to locate, the Advanced Search feature is no longer available in the new UX and the regular search feature does not find List IDs.

It seems there is a light version of the Watson Marketing Assistant, only available under limited availablity, but this requires ramping up as well.

Ideally we need consistency across all assets so we can find the ListID or MailingID when looking at the asset, rather than relying on hovering over it.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Shipped
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