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Enable/Map "AddtoCart", "RemoveFromCart", and other GA events to Universal Behavior on WCA

Today, only a few Google Analytics events can be received by WCA and used in queries/Universal Behavior (ProductView, CartPurchase, CartPurchaseItem, CartAbandonment, Searched a Site, Completed Conversion).

Ecommerce/Retail customer uses Google Analytics as the main source of data/customer behavior, however WCA do not allow us to map critical events like "AddToCart", "RemoveFromCart", "VideoStarted" to WCA.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
What is your industry? Marketing & Public Opinion Research
What is the idea priority? High
  • Admin
    Zack Bazemore commented
    May 28, 2020 21:08

    Thanks very much for this idea. Could you help me understand a bit more how an E-commerce/Retail user would leverage these events within Acoustic Campaign, if they were to appear as new Universal Behaviors?

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