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Relational table queries to include DISTINCT function as an operator

Would be extrememly useful to have the SQL command DISTINCT added to relational table queries.

This would allow us to determine if the returned rows are unique based on particular column values.


We have a cart abandonment table that displays all items in the cart when an abandonment event occurs.

Our abandonment event is configured to fire 30 minutes after a cartt has had no activity. It is also configured to fire if someone modifies the items in their cart (ie. adds a new item or removes an existing item).

This means a cart can fire once and then if someone comes back to the website and adds a product to their cart after the first time the event has fired it will send the new cart including the original items in the cart.

Displaying this in an EDM requires the relational table query to define the timeframe for the event having occured. It also requires the RT_Lookup to define the number of results returned and the order DESC/ASC.

If there are 2 cart events, one with a single product and the second with 2 (1 existing and 1 new) the EDM will display three products and include a duplicate from the first event if they occur during the same timeframe. Attaching an image that shows an example of this happenign with the user email blurred out.

Allowing DISTINCT as an operator would allow us to specify a column and ensure only distinct values are allowed in either the query or the RT_Lookup.

In the attached image for example:

If we could state that the query only includes DISTINCT values for the ItemID value then we would not have the item displaying twice in the EDM.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? High