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Please convert "~" (fullwidth forms tilde) to "〜" (wave dash) in mail template. (Corresponding to double-byte characters)

"~" (fullwidth forms tilde) can not be used on the WCA mail template.
Because it is encoded by Shift_JIS.
Shift_JIS does not support fullwidth forms tilde. I understand that.
It is difficult to enter "〜" (fullwidth forms wave dash) on Windows OS.

But, in Japanese, "~" (fullwidth forms tilde) is often used.
We want to implement the function to convert "~" (fullwidth forms tilde) to "〜" (fullwidth forms wave dash) on WCA application.
Or, please give me a warning when "~" (fullwidth forms tilde) is entered. (For example, 'this template may be garbled!' Etc ...)

  • Taya Keisuke
  • Feb 26 2020
What is your industry? Construction / Architecture / Engineering
What is the idea priority? Medium