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Recurring import notifications

Every day, across multiple clients, we have recurring imports for Databases, as well as one or more Relational Tables.

This means many emails every day, all of which state "Contact Source job completed successfully".

However occasionally, there may be errors, such as invalid or disallowed email addresses etc, but the email that comes through still states "Contact Source job completed successfully"

So, the daily manual process we have to carry out is:-

Someone must manually check every single email to see if there is any invalid / disallowed / bad data.

Someone must log into WCA, find the Jobs in the Data Job list, manually download the Results Log and then investigate.

This is time consuming and frustrating for the customer

Ideally, we could do with different subject lines eg "Contact Source job completed with errors", etc, so that we can have rules set up to manage success notifications and raise attantion around failures / errors.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
What is your industry? Financial Markets
What is the idea priority? High