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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CAMPAIGN-I-65 Include relational table data in dynamic content areas in mailers..

Build dynamic content that pulls data from a relational table Merged

No ability to build dynamic content that pulls data from a relational table. You can build DC rules based on relational tables but you cant then reference the data from that relational table in your dynamic content.; We need to parameterize our complex mailing templates so that we avoid having to build dozens of almost identical templates just to accomplish dynamic content and personalization goals (working around the weaknesses of WCA).

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • In development
What is your industry? Media & Entertainment
What is the idea priority? Urgent
  • Patrice Byas-Jimill commented
    May 11, 2020 19:38

    Thank you for submitting this idea. We will keep this in mind as we build Dynamic Content for the new Message Composer.

  • +10