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Revamp Approval Process/ Screen

The approval process and information given is currently massively behind the times.

For starters the numbers being sent to are not displayed! This is surely the most important item to be able to double check.

All of the below should be present to be 'checked' off individually on the approval screen before you can then press approve.

I imagine others will have their own priorities too and maybe not need all of the below, so this should be configurable within the org settings

| Email Template |
| Subject Line |
| Snippet Text |
| Alt Tags present |
| Insights in place? |
| Mailing Name |

| Contact Source Name |
| Rule Logic |
| Contact Source - Size |
| Contact Source - Suppressed |
| Estimated Send Count |

Suppression lists in place

| Friendly From |
| From Address |
| Reply Address |

| Scheduled Send Time |
| STO? |

| Tagging Level |

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
What is your industry? Insurance
What is the idea priority? High
  • Ashley Davis-Annett commented
    January 25, 2023 16:28

    Also want to add to the list- throttle amount if indicated through the order process.

  • pooja_venkit pooja_venkit commented
    January 24, 2023 22:04

    Agree for our organization - the most important piece here for us is the number being sent to and when the query was last run.

  • Ashley Davis-Annett commented
    August 22, 2022 13:39

    I very much agree and want to echo this idea to revamp the approval process. This is an absolute high priority for our organization.

  • +2