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Content created via API or wchtools should be auto-tagged like Assets are.

When pushing new artifacts via API or wchtools, Assets are automatically tagged by Watson, but Content does not yet support auto-tagging (would take multiple additional API calls). Discussed with Authoring team and there is no technical reason it couldn't /shouldn't be done, it just hasn't been requested as a priority item yet. Requesting it now, as I've been asked why tooling doesn't get auto-tagging of content like it does of assets, yet it's an API inconsistency, not tooling specific.

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2020
  • Shipped
What is your industry? Computer Services
What is the idea priority? Medium
  • William Izard commented
    January 22, 2021 09:42

    I think this was implemented quite some time ago and can be marked done.

  • +18