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Fernando can delete pages by type (either specified type name, or all types in a manifest)

Fernando can delete pages by type (either specified type name, or all types in a manifest)

Today, you can "delete all" or delete all pages or soon delete all in a manifest.

What you can't do is delete all "pages" by "page type" so if someone has created more custom pages than were in the manifest, or than the user knows about, then they won't be able to easily delete those types (eg, by manifest or explicitly).

Thomas has asked for "delete all pages by type", to make it easier to delete Oslo even if someone has created additional custom pages that refer to those types.

I believe that a missing piece for just adding this to tooling is an Authoring index for Pages (unlike other authoring artifacts they don't have an authoring index), so afaik, you can't easily search for pages by type, in order to delete them, so that may be a dependency of this item.

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2020
What is your industry? Computer Services
What is the idea priority? High