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Authoring Invalidations Scalability/Resiliency enhancements

The current WCH Authoring design/impl can cause huge WCH load, when a customer changes a single type (eg, when LN changed a single type recently, it caused 200,000 content items to be invalidated and republished, causing a large load on publishing, cloudant, etc)

Lee (Authoring Architect) is concerned that this isn't just a problem with 1 really large tenant like LN, but if we have 1000s of tenants where some small number of them do similar content type changes, the total accumulated (potentially unnecessary) invalidations and republishes, could add up to similar LN type load.

This item is to prioritize the work that Lee had previously logged as to improve the design/impl of invalidations and related code, for higher efficiency while customers make such type changes with large amounts of existing content associated with those type(s).

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2020
  • Shipped
What is your industry? Computer Services
What is the idea priority? Urgent