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Make a Short URL for logging into analytics!/login is insanely long and complicated for a regular user to simply type in. There is absolutely no need for a URL of this format for a login screen. Yes, you want people to use the massive tool, but most will simply go straight to Analytics and something comparable to makes a lot more sense (and really would be simple to create)

  • John Marnien
  • Aug 19 2020
  • Will not implement
How will this idea be used?

Making it complicated to get to your site for your everyday user does not make people feel that this was well thought out. Why would you want to make it complicated for users to log in and use the tool?

What is your industry? Retail
What is the idea priority? High
  • John Marnien commented
    May 06, 2021 15:07

    You could create a short URL that redirects you to the too long to remember one.

  • John Marnien commented
    December 16, 2020 00:05

    imagine if amazon was yes... you HAVE TO bookmark it. People will not be typing it. People quickly trying to get to data will not use it. Instead, the Admins at various companies will be hit with emails pretty regularly asking "What was the url again"? Compare this:!/login

    with this:

    which one are you more likely to remember?

    Honestly, I do not care if its implemented or not. It was a suggestion for Acoustic to be more inline with the user community. The "" part of the URL is not the problem its the hyphenated stuff at the start.

  • Admin
    Kayla Gonzales commented
    December 15, 2020 23:03

    Thanks for submitting this feedback, John. Unfortunately, this is the way that all Acoustic products have formatted their URLs outside of our common interface ( You can see this pattern across products here: As a shortcut, you can bookmark the login page.