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File Sync - TMS Controls, ability to monitor and sync CFG files

When you have a larger Tealeaf system (>5 servers), juggling and keeping track of multiple configs, privacy, etc can be a daunting task. Rolling them out can be even more so. Let's say you want to roll out a new Privacy.cfg file for all your servers? Or one of the files is out of sync for some reason?

I propose a new function of TMS that can sync and monitor DIFFs of files we set. One time we can say which file on which servers should be "watched". One is a the "master" and the others are "clones". TMS will periodically check the files on the servers and see if DIFFs, size and DateMod. The watch would have two modes: Alert or Auto-Clone. If Auto-Clone, then it will just propagate the new file across all the servers. If Alert, it will flag a DIFF alert to the Alert tab, maybe a red number showing there is a value in the tab (like Facebook). Alert we'd use if we need to be careful about rolling services, like Canisters. Auto-Clone might be fine for Privacy.cfg, etc. Then we can go into TMS and schedule our service rolls on each server (Transport service for example).

NOTE: Need this BADLY for PCAs as well!!! PLEASE PLEASE be able to sync privacy.cfg across all the PCAs!!

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Urgent