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cxConnect PortalAPI - Session Search Template Results as an API JSON/XML

For the cxConnect for VOC, Portal API, this already has a "return a single session direct link" function. However, we could enhance this greatly by being able to return the entire search results list, and even vary the results returned by letting the API variable to let them select which Search Results template they choose.

From adminstration side, we could also create a search result that was marked for API-only, so that it wouldn't be presented to users, but would be only for use in API - controlling which fields they were getting.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? High
  • Wesley Thompson commented
    July 23, 2020 16:41

    Note: I used "TLTSID" but really whatever search criteria was used

  • Wesley Thompson commented
    July 23, 2020 16:40

    The VOC/API integration is a source of frustration. If there is more than one session with the same TLTSID from the same day the most recent session or the oldest session is returned depending on the sessionPreference parameter value. The problem is that if the VOC was submitted in a session in the middle (depending on the session merge setting) you might not see the session data for the time they actually submitted. The API really needs some logic to bring back a session list if more than one session is returned with the search parameters it was provided. Alternatively, it could bring back the exact session that was active during the time the VOC submission was received. The way it works now is confusing to people. They correctly expect the exact session where the VOC was submitted to be returned, but that is not always the case.

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