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TestConn.exe: Expand this to cover all connectivity checks for Tealeaf

TestConn.exe was created to test connectivity for TealeafCaptureSocket.exe, as a little Windows tool. You CAN feed it values for other types of ports of Tealeaf services, but it usually times out as it always expects a Tealeaf Pipeline service response.

I'd suggest expanding this to a very versatile tool AND a connectivity health check tool for the TMS system. Expand TestConn.exe so it can:

1. Test if a client server is listening on a given port (we currently have to use Telnet, if its installed on a server). This means the firewall isn't blocking and something is running and listening.
2. Test if a client server service is the one listening and responding, on their respective ports.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Low