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Link to Tealeaf Search, in the Session Result List page (bottom)

The session search results session list/template has the server results distribution, as well as the actual search query that was executed. However, some of this is often transformed from the inputs the person choose on the template, things like special characters are replaced with spaces, the timestamp is changed to timeticks, etc.

On the search page is a "Link" button that creates a link for the Tealeaf search. What I propose is that link is passed through to the Session Segment, saved as part of the segment and added to the bottom of the search.

Thus, it would be present in several places: At the bottom of the original search, when they bring back up the segment using "Analyze Session Segments", or an Admin brings back up the search as well.

Attaching screenshot examples.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Medium