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Highlight Replays Already Seen for Other Users

At the moment, all users in Tealeaf are using the system in isolation, in parallel. One does the search, and replay work with only the simple possible passing of a link to a session replay. What if we could speed up developers, or product managers by highlighting work already done by previous Tealeaf users, marking those replays, and the activity in the replays?

**Note this is a complex idea, with a lot of elements to be enhanced, but will try to explain by using user scenarios.

1. Product Analyst scenario:

A Product Analyst does some TL session searches and finds an interesting error. At the top of BBR they click the "Star" the session to save it for later. As they click on the "Star" they can give it a label from a pre-set list: Error, UX/UI issue, Customer Confusion, Bad Formatting, etc. He adds the "Error" label to the session and it shows up at the top of the BBR as a "chit" with an X if the user wants to remove it. There is a + symbol if they want to add more labels (one session may have several labels). They then go to lunch.

The analyst returns from their lunch, had closed their browser. They go to Tealeaf Portal and click on "My Saved Sessions". It shows a list of sessions all grouped by their respective labels, sorted by date. At the top of the "Error" list is the session he last worked on. As he clicks on the session, it again opens to the exact page, step of the session he Saved it as (it remembered the Hit/Step #).

2. Product Manager Scenario:

A product manager gets an alert that a new Error session was just pinned for their product. They had previously setup a "watch" if someone pins any session page that has a matching product name (a Request AppData variable, applicationName=Onboarding) on that specific hit. The email alert from Tealeaf portal has the name of the analyst that did the pin work. There is a prompt, link in the email if the PM wants to REPLAY the session, or just SAVE the session on their own "My Saved Sessions" board.

The product manager replays the scenario and sees a new error that they want to address. They create a bug in JIRA and click "Comment on this Session", and put in the JIRA link to the comment, that they will check into it later. The product manager also puts a link to the Tealeaf session in the JIRA ticket, to the step that showed the error.

**The Product Analyst gets an email alert with the Product Manager comment as they had that session "Saved" and was "watching" it. The email also contains a direct link back to the session, the hit/step that the comment was left on. Each comment will have a hit/step number attached it, along with the user name that left it.

3. Customer Contact Agent Scenario:

A customer agent gets a phone call from a customer that had trouble trying to sign up for an account. The customer agent does a search for that customer's account ID. They see three sessions, with one in the search results listed as "Error" and already marked with a "2 People" icon. As they mouse over the icon, it displays the two users that have Saved the session, the product analyst and manager. There is also a "1 comment" icon on the search results list. Hovering over that icon in search results session line item, it shows the one comment with the JIRA bug that was logged.

The customer agent views the session, and can see the error. They help the customer by manually creating an account. In addition, they let the customer know that it appears the product team is already aware of their issue and are already following up on it, working on a fix.

The Customer Agent marks in the "comment" of the BBR session that the customer called in, and that they helped them with the issue and let them know the bug is being worked.

Action/result: The agent knows they do not need to create an issue ticket, that it is already being worked. This speeds up the agent and ensures no double/triple work.

**The product analyst and manager now both get a Tealeaf email that a comment was left by the customer service agent about the customer calling in.

4. Tealeaf Administrator Scenario:

The TL administrator logs into the portal and views User Activity reports. They can see that there are 5 "Error" replays that are marked for today. One in particular shows of interest as it had three user interactions with it today. Viewing that session, the admin can see what the interactions were, and the bug that was created.

The administrator then proceeds to run a Month to Date report showing all the sessions Replayed, and unique counts by their Label. How many had a "JIRA" link in them? How many sessions are being commented on, worked on?

The administrator now has a report for their leaders on how productive the users, and which teams are able to take actions and what actions they are doing to resolve and improve the site CX, how Tealeaf provides that centering view and collaboration. They can oversee the work being done by the users, what CX work is being done, and assist, create events to help quantify, etc.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Medium