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Time Measurement - Lazy DOM Load Performance

The customer wants to monitor the time for the Lazy DOM Load to complete. Preston Harris has remarked that most customers would want to be able to track this time. Jayanth Komargin has remarked that this time measurement could be best done in the UI Capture Code. A simplified view of the time the customer wants to measure is shown below:

Hit N Arrives in the Session
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3 - Customer clicks on the button that will initiate the Lazy DOM Load - Time 1
Step ...
Hit N+1 Arrives in the Session.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3 - Lazy DOM Load completes - Time 2
Step ...

I suggest that we obtain a way to record values for times 1 and 2 in the UI Capture Code. Ideally, this concept could be made more general, such that, the time for any step could be recorded. Events could capture the recorded step time and, using two such events, the time between any two steps could be calculated. Of course, this time difference would be computed in Advanced Mode.

An alternate suggestion would be to have some sort of "offset" value recorded with every step where the offset was relative to the beginning of the session. This suggestion may require a basic change to the TeaLeaf code instead of the UI Capture Code.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
What is your industry? Healthcare
What is the idea priority? Medium