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Global trimming jobs for cxVerify archives

The destination type "Trim archive" in the cxVerify task configuration dialog allows one archive in one server to be selected via radio buttons. This is not a very scalable design... as we have 16 archive servers and multiple archives per server, we have about 40 archives. The current design requires 40 task definitions and 40 schedules.

As we have a default 145 days across all of these archives, it would be helpful to have a global trim job to pass through all archives and do the trimming... or... have an option to have each archive server apply it's own trimming during the nightly cycle as canisters do. In that scenario trim jobs would only be required when the default data retention will be overridden.

Lastly, as a cost of ownership and ease-of-use idea, Acoustic should consider enhancing the selective session trimming feature to make cxVerify less important. A batch categorization process could extend session expiration dates for sessions with various important events... allowing generic search and non-transactional traffic to trim off earlier. As important sessions already reside in the canisters, they could stay where they are not not require bulk moves to their archives, to avoid canister trimming.

  • Eric Stamper
  • Mar 18 2021
How will this idea be used?

This enhancement will improve Tealeaf manageability

What is your industry? Healthcare
What is the idea priority? Medium