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Support all UBX Web events including General Attributes

Support all UBX Web events including General Attributes will enable complex events to support complex session based rules. Use case includes ability to output events that are immediately actionable in Watson Campaign Automation. Also limits the amount of UBX published since event can be limited to multiple conditions across session without coding.

Non-retail use cases including Comms / CSI, publishing, Ad agencies, ...

Example: visitor gets off designed web journey within a session would publish UBX event containing sufficient attributes in order to trigger next best action or offer. either in WCA, IBM Campaign, Interact, or via any UBX Subscriber using a single event. Today what would be required is multiple UBX events Published from multiple sources to handle the use case. This forces queries in WCA to become overly complex and adds excessive load to UBX, WCA, and other UBX Subscribers

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High