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Data export: Add the configuration to change file size or the number of sessions in one file

Data export feature is very great since we can consume the data and use it for further analysis.

But we hopes the feature to allow us to manage output data file size or the number of sessions in each file.

On-premise has the feature to set the maximum file size for output files such as BulkEvent.dat.

Because the tool, which use output data (BulkEvent.dat) has to download, unzip and pick up data from BulkEvent.dat as many as files are there and would be taking so long time to complete.

So it is more convenient if the user can manage and change the data volume per file with file size or # of sessions from a view of Tealeaf CSV data consuming tool.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? Urgent