Reports display two decimals and these cannot be adjusted. This gets confusing when the count for an event occurring is extremely large. In this case, the decimals could be irrelevant. Secondly, when counting the number of times an event fires, an event can't fire half of the time or even one-hundredth of a time.
For the math function, it becomes helpful to display decimal. But when displaying the count, how often something occurs, this becomes confusing.
One should be able to adjust the sum of the counts so that it can be displayed as either an integer, or one, two or three decimal places.
There are ways to display an integer by doing math. Multiply the count by 1 and set as an integer. This works, but then you can't drill down into the sessions. This really isn't the way to do this.
What is your industry? | Telecommunications |
What is the idea priority? | Medium |