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Allow opening replays in a new tab from session list

When you have found a list of sessions you want to look at, you cannot right-click and open a replay in a new tab. Cmd-click does not work either as the click triggers a JavaScript event and is not a normal link. Going back and forward with the browser controls or breadcrumbs also does not work as the filtering, pagination, and search results are all lost and a new search performed.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Telecommunications
What is the idea priority? High
  • Emily DeWaard-Crouse commented
    July 30, 2024 17:03

    I used to be able to do this in 2023 but the option disappeared at some point in 2024 and it's been very frustrating. If I click the back button to maintain my search results and view other sessions, I often have issues with Tealeaf not loading and having to repeatedly redo my search parameters to view the other sessions. It's such a simple feature that is desperately needed.

  • +7