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Event Activity Dashboard

Add a dashboard similar to the functionality in on premise to report on event activity. As an example he ability to breakdown and segment by day/hour the frequency in which an event fires. It "might" also be useful to extend this to session, hit and step attributes. This allows our clients to see when events are no longer firing to determine if they are either broken or no longer needed as well as, determine if they might be firing much more often than you had anticipated. One side effect of this would be the customer is ensuring the optimization of their events and so would consume less system resources from the SaaS platform. I would include in this report. Event Creation Date; Last Modified Date; Last Modified By.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? High
  • Admin
    Beat Hangartner commented
    23 Nov, 2020 02:20pm

    The functionality requested by this idea has been implemented. However, we aim to add the following refinements in addition to it:

    * List Event Dependency counts

    * Sort by default to times fired ascending

    * Export Feature

    * Toggle Between Events/HAs/Step Attributes/Dimension/Dimension Groups

  • +11