In many cases an opt-out choice on the company's privacy statement page is necessary to make use of a data capturing/tracking solution like Tealeaf. Opt-out choice means, that each visitor may decide, that his/her data is not being processed, sent or stored via Tealeaf.
Unfortunately, this is not supported out-of-the-box by Tealeaf. So, the IBM support team told me to open a feature request here.
Digital Analytics (DA) offers a solution via cookie: CMOptout="opt-out". Google Analytics offers a solution via browser add-on (see I hereby request some analogue functionality for Tealeaf.
Optimally, the visitor's will to opt-out can be addressed and implemented with no effort on the Tealeaf customer's side / web development side - like the google solution with a browser add-on. Second best solution would use a cookie value like DA does and IBM offers a template HTML file to set the cookie value (see Even more optimally (if that would exist) would be one unified opt-out solution for both CXA data capturing modules Digital Analytics and Tealeaf. For example one browser add-on that lets visitors select opt-out for DA and/or Tealeaf or to check the DA cookie's value CMOptout in the Tealeaf SDK, as well.
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