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A List of Needed UI improvements

1) flag to show the hit and ui event where search results relate to that hit and/or UI

2) If I go from replay to raw... etc.. make sure I stay on the same hit and/or UI event as I go back and forth

3) Tealeaf sessionID should be seen next to the OS, in the top of the page, when viewing a session in replay/raw/response and you should be able to click it to share with another org user with a comment about what to look at

4) In replay view, display events related to each hit and per each UI event. It can be something like 'display events' link with an expand/collapse to show the events - and when it relates to a certain UI event as you expand for a given page/hit/screenview put UI hit # for each instance of that event in parentheses, as a link so you can click and move to that UI event quickly

5) ability to annotate for a give hit/screenview/page and/or UI event - after completed.. then place flag to show annotation exists

6) o When a person is creating events they are usually looking at a session and going back and forth from the session to event manager – make it so event manager or session can be opened in a separate window so you can go back and forth as you create your events/dimensions/etc. or have the event manager as a floating window however you see fit so folks can do their work easier

7) Have a number next to each UI event under a given screenview

8) Event Tester results are not intuitive.. it needs to clearly state Succeeded for any given Event, the hit attribute related, and how many times it fired

9) Display a flag on replay if replay rules are being used that is a link to pop a modal and display the rules for quick review

10) ability to create events in the timeline view - and make sure that non-beautified json is available

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2020
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? Medium