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Edit Individual Struggle Factors

At present, there is no way to customize Struggle Factors for each individual Struggle Analytics card, i.e., if you have multiple Struggle Analytics instances, you can only adjust the Struggle Factors (step count, load time, repeat patterns) for all of them at once, not individually. We need to be able to adjust factors at the card-level because we could potentially have multiple end-users creating SA cards. Unfortunately, not being able to adjust struggle factors at the individual card level renders Struggle Analytics useless for my company. Is there any time frame for when this shortcoming could be fixed?

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2020
How will this idea be used?

By customizing Struggle Factors for each instance of Struggle Analytics, we can get a more accurate view of what pages are causing struggle behaviors. For example, some pages have multiple fields the customer would have to fill out, so a high step count would be appropriate where, on other pages, it would be indicative of a struggle.

What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High