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Ability to trigger Events/HA/Steps only on Identified AppKey

Ability to trigger Events/HA/Steps only on Identified AppKey.

Most client have multiple apps and the events are evaluated on all the apps even when its not required.

At present we have to add tags or add a abbreviation in the vent name to identify which event triggers for which app . It would be great to have a drop down that can be selected to choose an app key when creating an event/change after event creation.

It would be good to have a filter in the event manager than can show all the events only for specific app.

  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2020
  • Under consideration
How will this idea be used?

Ability to trigger Events/HA/Steps only on Identified AppKey.

Most client have multiple apps and the events are evaluated on all the apps even when its not required.

At present we have to add tags or add a abbreviation in the vent name to identify which event triggers for which app . It would be great to have a drop down that can be selected to choose an app key when creating an event/change after event creation.

It would be good to have a filter in the event manager than can show all the events only for specific app.

What is your industry? Professional Services
What is the idea priority? High
  • Jai Komaragiri commented
    28 Jul, 2021 12:59pm

    Further to the above, we should be able to filter events which trigger only for a specific app key or an app and we should be able to provide access to event admin only for a specific app. We should also be able to make sure that event,HA or Step trigger only for any selected appkey or all the appkeys.

  • Mike Bean commented
    8 Jan, 2021 01:55pm

    I woud also like the ability to fire a HA only on certain URLs. This would make creating HAs easier and also improve performance. Probably would need to be able to do a regex on the URL.

  • Aaron Gregory commented
    16 Oct, 2020 04:02pm

    A privacy event for 1 app key could break replay for a different app.

  • Aaron Gregory commented
    16 Oct, 2020 03:58pm

    Partners will be able to manage their own multi tenant environment.

  • Aaron Gregory commented
    15 Jul, 2020 03:49pm

    This will also help improve performance and simplify eventing maintenance.