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Providing additional event and report template.


Please provide a report template that beginners of analysis can use without hesitation. For example, it is even better to have templates that are often used in each industry.


For example, dimensions using gender, age, etc. are requested by a large number of customers, but it is difficult for customers to make them.

Increasing the number of templates for these popular events will make it easier for customers to analyze using Experience Analytics.

I especially look forward to dimensions.

  • Natsuki Kano
  • Nov 9 2020
  • Under development
How will this idea be used?

It will be easier for users to operate and analyze. In addition,

providing effective templates will help users discover important improvement points using Experience Analytics.

What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High
  • Admin
    Beat Hangartner commented
    November 25, 2020 14:58

    We are working on providing means to copy and re-use reports and share templates for an easy start.