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App profile selection at the workspace level

I'm glad to see the calendar option at workspace level. Just awaiting to see an app profile selection as well. In the times of change is CONSTANT, it's obvious we do edits and to validate them we choose non-production and then production environment specific app profile. So with current state one has to edit each and every report on the workspace.

  • Abhijith Holalu ramalingaiah
  • Nov 11 2020
  • Under consideration
What is your industry? Non-Industry Specific
What is the idea priority? High
  • Admin
    Sharon Nei commented
    30 Apr, 2022 05:30pm

    Hi, thank you for suggesting this great idea! Agree with you that this enhancement would improve usability for users.

    I have a question I wanted to get your input on, if the dashboard was originally set to Application A and a user changes it to Application B, would you expect this to only be temporary for this user's session so that if the user or another user viewed this dashboard on another day, it would still show Application A. If user wanted Application B to show up by default, they would need to change it to Application B AND save the changes?