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Show a "history" replay

When you are replaying randomly sessions to find some patterns you must Send to event tester or copy and paste the TLTSid to keep latest sessions. I think that have a "history" with the 10/20 latest sessions will be great if you need to back for a specific one if you need to see it again.

  • Diego de Arriandiaga
  • Dec 2 2020
  • Under consideration
How will this idea be used?

Help to the analyst to keep latest reviewed sessiones if you need to back to see it again

What is your industry? Professional Services
What is the idea priority? High
  • Admin
    Beat Hangartner commented
    9 Dec, 2020 02:21pm

    To be reviewed within the context of commenting/collaboration initiative, how it can be best achieved.

    Also to be considered under UX/RW.

    Suggested implementation:

    • a history list

    • favorites marker (star)