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On Demand Privacy for Tealeaf SaaS

Tealeaf SaaS has the capability to block sensitive data at the Client via UIC rules, at event processing using Event data, but it has NO ability to block data once it has been captured and written to the session. The exception to this is the "Delete Session" ability by the admin, completely REMOVING entire sessions from the repository, leaving a hole in data that may be of value to other people searching.

The proposal for this idea is to create what On Premise already has, On Demand Privacy rules that run when an event is pulled for Replay, to redact or mask data before it is displayed and can be extracted or viewed.

  • Dieter Davis
  • Feb 14 2022
  • Under development
How will this idea be used?

If bad data does get into the Tealeaf system, this will essentially "lock" data data in the system, unable to be extracted by Replay. This can last until the data expires from the system, and then the rule can be retired or expired. Or rules can be left in place as a perma-lock to add RegEx or other pattern as a last measure to prevent sensitive data from being displayed.

What is your industry? Financial Markets
What is the idea priority? Urgent
  • Dieter Davis commented
    April 26, 2022 18:35

    Thank you, we're excited to see it! We'll check with our Acoustic Professional Services on instructions how to work with the Phase 1.

  • Admin
    Rob Hain commented
    April 26, 2022 16:51

    Phase 1 of this feature has been released. Privacy rules can now be configured for sensitive data, allowing only administrators to see the data. Future phases are planned to allow more granular control of user groups and their privacy permissions.