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Add automatic new user registration and login functionality.

Allow users to automatically register for their company's SaaS account and be able to login after registration. This is currently a time consuming manual process.

  • Robert Clemente
  • Mar 3 2022
How will this idea be used?

We4 get several requests daily to create new users accounts. This automation will save our support team time, reduce requests & incidents, and be a much better user experience.

What is your industry? Insurance
What is the idea priority? High
  • Dieter Davis commented
    April 26, 2022 16:53

    Also, see this which may be related: JIT for SSO, which includes automatic onboarding when SSO is activated:

  • Don Bradford commented
    March 08, 2022 21:03

    I have attached a file that describes how a Referrer Step could be added to our Core UIC. The document shows a typical example as developed by William Bird for Dollar Bank. The document also describes three typical use cases. Each of these cases has been requested by multiple customers both on-prem and TLSaaS.