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Acoustic integration with ON24 to syndicate events from them to us.

Firstly, this would be beneficial to our own marketing team. Secondly, it would be beneficial for any of our clients who use ON24 today (or plan to) in order to get their webinar participants information back into largely Campaign which could be used for further segmentation or to progress leads down a lead scoring model and program for demand generation.

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2020
  • Future consideration
How will this idea be used?

An Acoustic user may set up as part of a program an email to go out to drive webinar attendance. Landing page captures signin (hosted at On24) to build registration list. People registering for the event should be sent back to Acoustic for further follow-up and lead scoring. The program could be used to further follow up about the webinar event. During the webinar participants interact in numerous ways including survey, streaming the webinar (after the event), downloading materials, and chat. These events can be useful to an Acoustic user for further segmentation, demand generation, lead progression, scoring, and sales to be more knoweledgeable of prospect engagement.

What is your industry? Computer Services
What is the idea priority? High