When creating a filter in Performcance Insights an or statment should be availble. Ex: Email name contains X OR email name contains Y.
How will this idea be used?
This will help make Performance INsights a functional tool for our business. |
What is your industry? | Other |
What is the idea priority? | Urgent |
Currently, you can't club contact-list and query in the same report.
An enhancement to introduce some logic to have contact and query in the same report, would be very helpful. As we use contact lists and queries to send to in our campaigns.
It should go beyond that: use (approx.) the same logic choices as are available for the creation of queries (target groups). And offer it to the customers in the same way that queries are offered. Today, lot's of options are (slightly) different in the different parts of Campaign. That leads to confusion.
This is currently on the roadmap for PI. When I have a more solid date, I will update this idea.