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Add Throttle Rate to the "Pending Approval" and "Scheduled and Sent" details section

As an email approver, I'd like to double check that program managers have set the correct throttle rates for deploys. This rate doesn't show up in any of the details within "Pending Approval" and "Scheduled and Sent" reports. Currently, PMs have to take a screen shot after they schedule and send it to me. It'd be easier if this rate was in the platform.

As others have mentioned, a throttle indicator, along with an STO indicator would also be helpful w/in PI so we can see how those deploys compare with normal sends.

  • Darby Jones
  • Jul 15 2021
How will this idea be used?

Used for better quality control and increased deliverability. If managers can see throttle rates, it'll ensure we don't send too many emails per hour, which negatively affects deliverability.

What is your industry? Banking
What is the idea priority? Medium