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Full swagger.json spec for WCA REST API.

In our project an external team of developers is doing work on the mobile APP. This work requires invoking the REST API from the phone. That task could be greatly alleviated if we provided a full swagger.js spec of the REST API as they could use it to automatically generate all boiler plate code they need from it with a tool they have.

I have found the pointer to a swagger based description of our REST API in:

I have noticed the "Raw" buttons in the page there that lead me to get json fragments for each different API call.

The problem is that this does not suffice as their code generator would only work from a file that is complete in some sense.

As for an example of a complete file we have been given this:

Notice that this file starts with

{"swagger":"2.0","info":{"description":"This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.","version":"1.0.0","title":"Swagger Petstore","termsOfService":"","contact":{"email":"

which seem more "complete" and totally different from the fragments we offer in our docs.

I opened a case to ask if we supported this (Case 00714035) but apparently the version of swagger we use lags what other projects are using elsewhere. After finding out this, I was suggested to submit this in idea form... :-)

I think updating our swagger to support this would be really meaningful from the point of view of developers working against our REST API.

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
What is your industry? Other
What is the idea priority? Medium